The bookmark Conferences makes it possible to set any options for each conference single
and for both conferences toogether. For single conference you can set:
- Subscribers in duplex mode. The maximum number of subscribers in conference is that in duplex mode.
If the number of active subscribers is greater than this setting, the vox device will remove
from conference the subscriber who doesn't speak for a long time.
- AVR (automatic voice regulation). If you switch on this option, you enable
additional software device, to change attenuation in voice conference depending on the number of
subscribers taking parts in conference. Normally, this option should be switched off.
- Duplex hold time. This is the time (in seconds) of hold the subscriber in active mode
if he is quiet.
- Insertion tone. This option switches on insertion tone if next participant
appears in the conference.
- Permanent reservation for phone. If this option is switched on, the conference
will be reserved for phone permanently, without using DTMF '7' code. This feature is
usefull if conference by phone is used very often or all the time. You are able to reserve
only one conference: first or second (never both).
- Conference calling with confirmation. If this option is switched on,
the confirmation password is required after calling procedure. This option may
be used in order to authorise called subscriber in conference.
- The way after confirmation time-out or confirmation error causes.
In this option we are able to define the way in wrong cases. If the subscriber
doesn't enter the confirmation or time out happen, possible ways will be:
Conference entering or Rejection. Default way is rejection procedure.
Common settings for both conferences are as follow:
- Max silence time [min]. This is noise time in conference by phone or scheduler.
In other words this is the maximum of noise time in conference called by
phone, after this time the conference will be disconnected and free.
This is in order to protecting against the situation where subscriber-dispatcher
has forgot to free his conference by code DTMF '8'.
You can set time in minutes (1 to 60), the default value is 2 minutes.
- Channels reservation. This is number of PCM channels booked for conference
called automatically from scheduler. If you reserve some channels, you will be sure
that conference by scheduler is succeded. If in your case there it isn't call
colision warning nor no free channels never happens, you needn't use
"Channel reservation" option.
- Waiting time for confirmation [s]. It sets how long KKO firmware
will wait for confirmation DTMF digits. Maximum value is 60s, minimum 5s,
default value is 15 secs.
- Ticker time in conference [s]. This is a special voice signal (ticker)
emmited in conference periodically. If you set 0 value, this feature will be switched off.
Default value is 0 (switched off), minimum value is 10, maximum is 150 seconds.
The next group of settings is the voice menu configuration. It changes concern subscribers who
directly enter into conference. List of menu option is as follow:
- MENU1:Subscriber directly enters into any conference. The conference must be
"reserved" for the dispatcher (kClient software), for phone or for schedule task. If there
isn't any reserved conference, this command will be rejected. If there are two reserved
conferences, the subscriber has to choose it additionally.
- MENU2:Enter another subscribers to any conference. The conference must be
"reserved" for dispatcher (kClient software), for phone or for schedule task. If there
isn't any reserved conference, this command will be rejected. If there are two reserved
conferences, subscriber have to choose it additionally. After select directory number
(and sign: '*' or '#' at the end of the sequence) subscriber-dispatcher stays in voice
menu on KKO.
- MENU3:Enter predefined group into any conference. The conference must be
"reserved" for dispatcher (kClient software), for phone or for schedule task. If there
isn't any reserved conference, this command will be rejected. If there are two reserved
conferences, subscriber have to choose it additionally. After selecting group number (1 to 9)
(and the sign: '*' or '#' at the end of the sequence) subscriber-dispatcher stays in voice
menu on KKO.
- MENU4:Subscriber directly enter into conference reserver by phone.
The conference must be reserved by '7' code voice menu. If there isn't any reserved
conference, this command will be rejected.
- MENU5:Enter other subscriber to conference reserved by phone. The conference
must be "reserved" by code '7' in the voice menu for phone. If there isn't any reserved
conference, this command will be rejected. After selecting directory number
(and the sign: '*' or '#' at the end of the sequence) subscriber-dispatcher stays in voice
menu on KKO.
- MENU6:Enter predefined group into conference reserved by phone. The conference
must be "reserved" by code '7' in voice menu for phone. If there isn't any reserved
conference, this command will be rejected. After selecting group number (1 to 9)
subscriber-dispatcher stays in voice menu on KKO.
- MENU7:Reservation / free conference by phone. If you switch on this option
you get possible reservation (code '7') / free (code '8') the conference for phone.
- MENU9:Private talking. If you switch on this option you get possible
to move conference's subscriber between conference and private talking with DTMF code '9'.
If this option is switched off, you will move the subscriber into private talking only
by kClient software.
Note! Voice menu options is exactly described in
menu description.
Additionally in this group is following option:
- Restrictions for closing conference by phone.
If this option is set, phone conference is disconnected when subscriber-initiator will
disconnect from it. In the other words, the conference exists as long as subscriber
(that set it) is in the conference or in voice menu system (without disconnection).
Both former features a password existing require. Passwords editing window
is following:\p>
- Conference by phone requires a pasword. If you switch on this option,
you have to enter the password if you want to enter directly on the KKO PCM channel.
This option may be used in order to authorise subscriber entering into KKO
voice channel himself.
- There are three conference passwords, varying in length 1 to 5 signs
(all digits and '*' and '#' are possible). For see passwords,
(in supervisor or administrator mode) you must click "Show passwords" button.
After inputing new passwords, you must acknowledge them by "Accept" button.
Now, new passwords you can save and export to KKO card as common settings.
Another options accessible in Conferences bookmark are as below:\p>
- Entering by voice menu system. If you switch on this option,
you can enter into KKO via voice menu system. The subscriber have many
options and many possibilities.
- Quick conference entering. If you switch on this option,
you are able to enter directly into conference without voice menu system.
This option is implemented in order to realize quick entering into conference.
E.q. you can enter yourself into conference if calling procedure is executed earlier
and you are late. In such situation you can simply and quickly enter into running
In order to expand capacity of the conference, "Two KKO cards cooperation" feature
was added from 2.12 version. From X.18 version, it is possible to manage both cards from
one common point - one kClient application. Group of option: Two KKO cards cooperation
makes possible to change settings for tandem 2xKKO.
- Link mode on/off. This check box makes possible to switch on or off
tandem 2xKKO feature on KKO card. If it is checked, the KKO card will treat first
channel of first PCM route as a voice expansion link. If it is unchecked, all
channels are treated "normally".
- MASTER / SLAVE This is working mode in case of expansion capacity
(link is established). If directory number is fixed (option below) the KKO card will be
work in MASTER mode. In the other words, it initiates voice connection with
given dir number. If dir number isn't inserted, and tandem is in use, the KKO
card will work in SLAVE mode. In the other words, it will wait for calling on first
channel of first PCM route and incoming call is treated as expansion link.
In both cases, if expansion link isn't connected in given time (about 1 min),
proper alarm will generate.
- Dir number for coordination link. For setting a card as a MASTER mode,
the directory route number must be inserted. It is enought for it. Lack the the number
etablishes the mode as a SLAVE.
Note! Details of expansion of conference capacity is described in documents:
concept of connection and
cooperation rules for two KKO cards.